Tach Hour vs. Hobbs Hour
A hobbs hour is the amount of time from when the propeller starts turning, to the time it stops. A tach hour is the "time" according to engine RPMs. At full power (in cruise flight) a tach hour is close to, but a little less than, a hobbs hour. However, on the ground, a tach hour is considerably less than a hobbs hour, because the engine RPMs are low. What that means to you is that an hour-long flight in an airplane charging hobbs time costs you 1 hour times the rate of the plane. That same hour-long flight in an airplane charging tach time will most likely cost you approximately 0.8 hours times the rate of the plane. You save money.
Fees and Rates
One Time Initiation Fee $1000 for private pilots
$1000 for students
Dues $140.00 Monthly
Work Hours 10 Per Year
Aircraft rates (Wet) as of June 2024